I say this with respectful understanding and without attempting to channel a certain person who seems to get her kicks from hating on people younger than she, but ... I am so glad I do not live in the apartment underneath yours.
Judging from the youthfulness of your faces and the Omigod!s that pepper your speech, my roommate and I decided you must be sophomores and that this is your first apartment. Honestly, it was hard to believe you were in college at all. When I first met you both, and you introduced yourselves with your adorable, girly names and white-toothed smiles, I knew we could never be friends. It would just never work.
Now, I remember being your age. I remember having people come over to party. (Except, my roommate at that time and I usually went out because we didn't want people messing up our place.) I remember playing music really loudly just because we could, and "not giving a fuck" if it annoyed anyone. And, of course, drinking liquor that someone else had purchased for us.
I remember how fun those days were, and I wouldn't want any college-aged girl to be deprived of that, but I have to say that I am eternally grateful that you live across the building, instead of next door or even underneath us, so that I can retreat to my bedroom and be spared the thumpthumpthumping of you blasting Top 40.
I will admit, I like the Lady GaGa song Just Dance, probably because I've never really grown out of enjoying poppy music that has a good beat. However, at 9:00 on a Sunday, I don't particularly want to hear "Just ju-ju-just DANCE," unless I am playing it for myself. But I'm not. And I'm not hanging around with hot guys, drinking Busch Light, or getting ready to go to Valhalla, and I am certainly not going to the Rec Center.
Sure, sometimes when the song comes on my Shuffle at the gym, it's all I can do to not belt out, "I love this record, baby, but I can't see straight anymore!" And yet, even though I have a kind of unnatural love for this song, I don't want to be forced to listen to it. I sympathize immensely with your downstairs neighbors, because I know what it's like to have horrifically loud people living above you. In fact, when I was your age and doing the kinds of things you are doing, the two guys living above me and my roomie were even worse. They would constantly wake us up by having sex at 3:00 a.m. (not with each other), or playing country music at 8:00. It ruined the friendship we'd formed early on in our move downstairs from them. You are unwittingly driving away the people with whom you share a ceiling-to-floor wall, and that sucks.
But, I guess, as long as you're having fun and making memories, I can't be angry at you. I want you to have fun and live up your first apartment experience... just don't do so at my expense. As long as I can hole up in my bedroom and escape the sound of Miley Cyrus or whatever you're playing, I'm happy. Also, please don't start partying on weekdays. Thursdays are forgiven, and Friday is technically part of the weekend, but if you ever start pumping ZFun 106 on a Tuesday evening, I will have to knock on your door and then knock your lights out.
your neighbor, Lauren
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