Sunday, July 6, 2008

BB Number Six

Palm reading: One of those new-agey things I'm not really sure I buy into. Our hands are always changing, right? Sure, our fingerprints remain the same throughout our lives, but our palms grow and stretch and the skin comes together in different patterns... right? Or maybe I'M the fruit loop. But, regardless, I am choosing to do the hand prompt because, my skepticism aside, I still find this palm reading very interesting: I mean, why would anyone come up with the idea that if your heart line begins below the index finger, you are content with your love life? Crackpots! Heh.

Here we go. A reading of Lauren's left palm. (Because I am a woman and because it's my non-dominant hand, so therefore it sheds more light on my natural persona. Supposedly.)

The Heart Line
begins in the middle - falls in love easily.
circle on the line - depression
(... whatever.)
smaller lines crossing through heart line - emotional trauma
(It also says this for "broken line," so, WTF?)

The Head Line
curved, sloping line - creativity
(of course!)
separated from life line - adventure, enthusiasm for life.
(v. true.)
wavy line - short attention span
(I don't know how wavy my line actually is...)
deep, long line - thinking is clear and focused
(I'm tempted to disagree with this, but I can't argue with the hand.)

The Life Line
curvy - plenty of energy
(Not today! But yes, generally speaking, I'd agree.)
short and shallow - manipulated by others
(Yikes. Um, in what ways, precisely?)
swoops around in a semicircle - strength and enthusiasm.

The Fate Line
Okay, so, I am basically convinced that I don't have a fate line. I had Toria look at my palm and she traced a line with her index finger, saying my fate line was "right here," but I only saw the very faintest of lines that I wouldn't classify as a major palm-reading line. The only criterium she said applied was "breaks and changes of direction," which would mean I'm "prone to many changes in life from external forces." Which doesn't make me incredibly happy. But I can't decide if I am even less happy with the thought that I simply don't have a fate line.

As far as the shape of my hand goes, I think I have a fire hand (according to this website, anyway.)

A fire hand has "square or rectangular palm, flushed or pink skin, and shorter fingers; length of the palm greater than length of fingers."
And it says:
spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic
sometimes egoistic, impulsive and insensitive
do things boldly and instinctively

I hesitate to argue with most of that.

Now I just feel more eager to go see Mystic Meg and find out just how right on I was, as well as what else she can tell me. Thanks, Tor.

1 comment:

sanrac said...

not having a fate line is probably the best thing for you! because fate does not exist.
and you can not be controlled by anything, dear lauren.

least of all, you will not be controlled by a wrinkle (or lack thereof) in your palm.